a cabal for D ?
Lutger Blijdestijn
lutger.blijdestijn at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 05:24:58 PDT 2011
Russel Winder wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-03-17 at 20:44 +0000, Jason E. Aten wrote:
>> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I observe that there doesn't appear
>> to be a package management system / standard repository for D libraries.
>> Or is there?
>> I'm talking about something as easy to use as R's CRAN,
>> > install.packages("rforest")
>> or cpan for perl, ctan for latex, dpgk/apt for debian, cabal for Haskell/
>> Hackage, etc.
> Note that every language-specific package manager conflicts directly
> with every operating system package manager. Thus RubyGems, CPAN,
> Cabal, Maven, Go, etc. conflicts with the package management of Debian,
> Fedora, SUSE, FreeBSD, MacPorts, etc. leading to pain. Pain leads to
> anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
>> If there's not a commonly utilized one currently, perhaps we could
>> "borrow" cabal, with a trivial port. cabal is Haskell's package manager.
>> Not only does having a standard package install system facilitate
>> adoption, it greatly facilitates code sharing and library maturation.
> At the expense of easy system administration.
Not necessarily, fedora has rpm packages of gems for example.
> I guess the only up side of language specific package management is that
> it enables people whose operating systems are not package structured to
> do things sensibly. Alternatively Windows users could switch to a
> sensible operating system ;-)
It's also often easier to package libraries with system specifically
designed to do so for a particular language. That, combined with a common
repository, usually results in a much wider selection of apis than a native
distribution offers.
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