DMD crash

Magnus Lie Hetland magnus at
Wed Mar 23 13:51:17 PDT 2011

When compiling a project I now get the following error from dmd (2.052, 
Mac OS X):

  Assertion failed: (!vthis->csym), function toObjFile, file glue.c, line 703.

(No traceback.)

I've been able to locate the problem -- a call to topN. However, when 
I've tried to isolate and compile the relevant parts of the code, I 
haven't been able to isolate it properly. I'm willing to incrementally 
prune down a clone of my project to create a minimal example, but I'd 
just thought I'd hear if this is a known issue, or if anyone had tips 
on what to do/look for.

I see that the same issue was emailed to the bugs-list in 2006 
(although at that time, the assertion seems to have been on line 402):

Any insights?

Magnus Lie Hetland

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