"body" keyword is unnecessary
alvaroDotSegura at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 15:17:32 PDT 2011
D already has a long list of keywords, reserved words can't be used as
identifiers, which can be annoying. "body" in particular is a common
noun that programmers would gladly use as a variable name in physics
simulation, astronomy, mechanics, games, health, etc. I think "body" can
be removed from D with no harm, and with the benefit of allowing the
name as identifier.
Rationale: Functions in C and derived languages have always had a body
and they never needed a keyword. In D, "body" is used to mark the actual
body of a function after the optional "in" and/or "out" contract blocks.
What is different in the body itself of a function with and without
contracts to make one body{...} and the other {...}?
int myfunc(int x)
...contract preconditions...
out (result){
...contract postconditions...
But we don't write:
int myfunc(int x)
The body keyword can be omitted and still interpret the code correctly
given this rule: "An unnamed {...} block right after an in{} or out{}
block when defining a function, MUST be the function's body". Thus, the
above code would become:
int myfunc(int x)
...contract preconditions...
out (result){
...contract postconditions...
and be perfectly understandable, with the benefit of one less keyword.
The compiler, upon reading the opening "{" after the out block, would
know it is the beginning of the function body.
Or I am missing something that would overcomplicate parsing, etc?
Best regards
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