where unittests should be [was: Strategies for resolving cyclic...]
denis.spir at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 04:22:20 PDT 2011
On 03/24/2011 07:44 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> Personally, I find the unit tests to be _way_ more maintainable when they're
> right next to the code. I _really_ like that aspect of how unit tests are done
> in D. However, it does mean that you have to dig through more code to get at
> the actual function definitions (especially if you're thorough with your unit
> tests),
My position is intermediate between ones of Jonathan and Graham: I want
unittest to be in the tested module, but cleanly put apart. Typically, one
module looks like:
1. general tool (imports, tool funcs... systematically present in all modules)
2. specific tools (import, tool funcs & types)
3. proper code of the module
4. tests
* clarity
* what Janathan evokes above: unittests don't clutter code
* tools specific to testing are grouped there
* and the following:
The test section can look like:
* tools (imports, tool funcs, tool types, (possibly random) test data factory)
* a series of "void test*()" funcs
* finally:
unitest {
void main() {}
From there, I can control precisely what test(s) will run, according to the
piece of code I'm currently working on, by simply (un)commenting (out) lines in
the single unittest section.
vita es estrany
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