More than one main

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Thu Mar 24 15:26:43 PDT 2011

> Jonathan M Davis:
> > But honestly, what you're trying to do just strikes me as plain weird.
> > Maybe it's a typical thing to do in scripting languages, but it
> > definitely isn't in compiled languages.
> It's very common in well designed Python modules. Probably you don't see it
> in compiled languages like C/C++ because they don't have a good module
> system. D has modules related to Python ones, so I am using this Python
> idiom in D too. Most D1 modules of dlibs1 have demo code :-)

I really don't understand what you're trying to do with a module "demo." The 
unit tests test the code in the module. They also provide examples on how to 
use the code in the module. Also, well-written modules have good examples in 
their documentation (which is generally tested in the unit tests as well). 
What is a module demo supposed to achieve that good unit tests and 
documentation don't?

- Jonathan M Davis

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