Library Development: What to finish/flesh out?
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at
Fri Mar 25 20:43:16 PDT 2011
On 2011-03-17 08:33, dsimcha wrote:
> I've accumulated a bunch of little libraries via various evening and
> weekend hacking projects over the past year or so, in various states of
> completion. Most are things I'm at least half-considering for Phobos,
> though some belong as third-party libs. I definitely don't have time to
> finish/flesh out all of them anytime soon, so I've decided to ask the
> community what to prioritize. Below is a summary of everything I've been
> working on, with its current level of completion. Please let me know the
> following:
> 1. A relative ordering of how useful you think these libraries would be to
> the community.
> 2. In absolute terms, would you find this useful?
> 3. For the Phobos candidates, whether they're general enough to belong in
> the **standard** library.
I find the responses to this list to be rather interesting. Most of it, I find
to be of mild interest at best (certainly for the sort of stuff that _I_ do
anyway), but others find some of them to be very desirable.
> List in order from most to least finished:
> 1. Rational: A library for handling rational numbers exactly. Templated
> on integer type, can use BigInts for guaranteed accuracy, or fixed-width
> integers for more speed where the denominator and numerator will be small.
> Completion state: Mostly finished. Just need to fix a litte bit rot and
> submit for review. (Phobos candidate)
Potentially interesting, but I don't know if I'd ever use it.
> 2. RandAA: A hash table implementation with deterministic memory
> management, based on randomized probing. Main advantage over builtin AAs
> is that it plays much nicer with the GC and multithreaded programs.
> Lookup times are also expected O(1) no matter how many collisions exist in
> modulus hash space, as long as there are few collisions in full 32- or
> 64-bit hash space. Completion state: Mostly finished. Just needs a
> little doc improvement, a few benchmarks and submission for review.
> (Phobos candidate)
I'm afraid that I don't understand how this is better than the current hash
table, and if it really is better, perhaps it should replace implementation of
the built in one?
> 3. TempAlloc: A memory allocator based on a thread-local segmented stack,
> useful for allocating large temporary buffers in things like numerics code.
> Also comes with a hash table, hash set and AVL tree optimized for this
> allocation scheme. The advantages over plain old stack allocation are that
> it's independent of function calls (meaning you can return pointers to
> TempAlloc-allocated memory from a function, etc.) and it's segmented,
> meaning you can allocate huge buffers w/o risking stack overflow. Its
> main weakness is that this stack is not scanned by the GC, meaning that
> you can't store the only reference to a GC-allocated piece of memory here.
> However, in practice large arrays of primitives are an extremely common
> case in
> performance-critical code. I find this module immensely useful in dstats
> and Lars Kyllingstad uses it in SciD. Getting it into Phobos would make
> it easy for other scientific/numerics code to use it. Completion state:
> Working and used. Needs a litte cleanup and documentation. (Phobos
> candidate)
Personally, I see zero use for this in my stuff, but obviously others find it
very compelling.
> 4. Streaming CSV Parser: Parses CSV files as they're read in, a few
> convenience functions for extracting columns into structs. If Phobos every
> gets SQLite support I'll probably add sugar for turning a CSV file into an
> SQLite database, too. Completion state: Prototype working, needs testing,
> cleanup and documentation. (Phobos candidate)
This definitely sounds useful. I've had to deal with CSV parsing in Java
before, and I'd love to see a solid CSV parser in Phobos, but I don't know how
much I'd actually end up using it. In the few cases where I'd be looking to
deal with CSV files though, it could be invaluable.
> 5. Matrix operations: SciD improvements that allow you to write matrix
> operations that look like normal math/MATLAB and optimizes them via
> expression templates so that a minimal number of temporary matrices are
> created. Uses/will use BLAS for multiplication. Completion state:
> Addition implemented. Multiplication not.
I don't expect that I'd _ever_ need this, but I'd fully expect that some folks
would love it.
> 6. Machine learning: Decision trees, KNN, Random Forest, Logistic
> Regression, SVM, Naive Bayes, etc. This would be a dstats module.
> Completion state: Decision trees prototyped, logistic regression working.
I'd have to see the actual library to know whether I'd find much use in it.
Probably not though.
> 7. std.mixins: Mixins for commonly needed boilerplate code. I stopped
> working on this when Andrei suggested that making a collection of mixins
> into a module is a bad idea. I've thought about it some more and I
> respectfully disagree. std.mixins would be a one-stop shop for pretty
> much any boilerplate you need to inject, and most of this code doesn't fit
> in any other obvious place. Completion state: A few things (struct
> comparison, simple class constructors, Singleton pattern) prototyped.
> (Phobos candidate)
This, I very much like. I'd _love_ to have standard mixins for stuff like
opEquals and opCmp. I can kind of understand why Andrei might not like a
module that's just mixins, but this just seems so useful that I think that
it's a definite loss that we _don't_ have it right now. D has done a lot for
reducing boiler plate code (the new overloaded operators in particular are
quite good at that), but there's still plenty of stuff which is pretty
boilerplate and could use solid, standard string mixins to solve it.
> 8. GZip support in std.file: I'll leave the stream stuff for someone
> else, but just simple stuff like read(), write(), append() IMHO belongs in
> std.file. Completion state: Not started, but this is the easiest of the
> bunch to implement. (Phobos candidate)
I don't know about this. should be able to handle gzip files, but
I'm not quite sure what you'd do with std.file to support gzip. It would have
to be done in a way that would work with other file types generically
(decorator pattern kind of solution). This very much feels to me like the kind
of thing that you'd want to do with streams rather than std.file or std.stdio.
If all you want to do is compress and uncompress a file, then perhaps we
should have some set of modules for dealing with different types of
compression (we already have I don't see what std.file would be
doing though.
So, overall, the stuff that you have is mostly not stuff that I'd find useful
at all, but I can see how someone else might (obviously you did). For the most
part, I wouldn't have a problem with this sort of stuff being in Phobos. It's
just not something that I'd be using, personally.
- Jonathan M Davis
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