GCC 4.6

KennyTM~ kennytm at gmail.com
Sun Mar 27 08:19:23 PDT 2011

On Mar 27, 11 22:30, bearophile wrote:
> In Bugzilla I have proposed that if you call a pure function and you don't assign its return value, then you have a bug, like the similar present in D for unassigned expressions.

This should be restricted to *strongly* pure functions. Weakly pure 
functions may have its major effect sent out via the input arguments, so 
ignoring the return value could make sense.

   import std.stdio;

   pure double[] set(double[] x, int index, double e) {
     x[index] = e;
     return x;

   void main () {
     auto j = new double[](3);
     j.set(0, 1.5).set(1, 2.5).set(2, 5.1);

BTW, which Bugzilla entry you are talking about?

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