i like cakes

FeepingCreature default_357-line at yahoo.de
Mon Mar 28 14:33:49 PDT 2011

On 28.03.2011 20:51, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 3/28/2011 7:31 AM, FeepingCreature wrote:
>> ILiekCakes actually has some good points once you get past the
>> instinctive
>> fanboy's revulsion for people who are not in awe of D. ;)
> Trying to give the impression that I'm responsible for Tango's choice of
> license isn't one of them. To reiterate:
> 1. None of Phobos is or ever was BSD licensed.
> 2. I never suggested to the Tango devs that they use BSD.
> 3. The Tango devs never asked me what license to use and never included
> me in any discussion about it.
> 4. I have offered to them the ability to adapt any Phobos module to
> Tango and relicense it as necessary for anything I have the right to do so.

I didn't say all his points were good. The Tango mess is just miscommunication and rumours flying left and right, and I do applaud you for persistently trying to clear it up.

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