[GSOC idea] enhance regular expressions?
kennytm at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 19:57:24 PDT 2011
On Mar 29, 11 06:21, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>>> Another thing to sort out is style: are we sticking with ECMA or
>>> switching to Perl / GNU? Shall we provide also different versions of
>>> syntax?
>> One RE syntax in a language is more than enough :-) But there are some
>> features of the Python REs that I'd like to see bolted-on to the ECMA
>> REs used by D.
> BTW which ones? Now is the time to propose them.
- Unicode character properties i.e. \p{Lu} and \P{Lu}.
- Look-behinds i.e. (?<=...) and (?<!...)
These should be the most useful extra patterns that covers 99.9%
(made-up on the spot) of all regexes.
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