[GSOC idea] enhance regular expressions?

KennyTM~ kennytm at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 05:16:29 PDT 2011

On Mar 29, 11 18:56, bearophile wrote:
> Dmitry Olshansky:
>> Others (except (?P<name>) and (?P=name) ) also considered common extensions and I planed to add them plus  regex comment (#...) where all of ... simply have no effect on matching.
> Beside the (#...) comments in Python you have also the verbose regex, that allow to put whispace and free #... comments with no parentheses. I find this one of the nicest features, because it allows you to format your regex.
> Bye,
> bearophile

You can also format regex with

      r"\d+"         // matches the integer part
   ~  r"(?:\.\d+)?"; // matches the fractional part


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