[GSoC Proposal draft] High-Level Networking

Jonas Drewsen jdrewsen at nospam.com
Wed Mar 30 11:10:04 PDT 2011

On 30/03/11 19.19, BlazingWhitester wrote:
> On 2011-03-30 17:48:59 +0300, Jonas Drewsen said:
>> On 30/03/11 03.04, Max Klyga wrote:
>>> snip
>> Great to see that you're interested in improving the Phobos library!
>> There already is some work being done on this.
>> I've created bindings for libcurl that was accepted into Phobos a
>> couple of days ago (see etc.c.curl module). This is the foundation of
>> some network client classes that I'm doing. I intent to submit this to
>> Phobos when I've implemented the last of the suggestions that I
>> received from the community earlier.
> Could you give links to that suggestions?

Look for threads in this newsgroup that I started and that have curl or 
libcurl in the title.

> Is your work on network-clients avaliable online?

Yes. I haven't pushed my working copy for some time but you can see an 
older version in the link I provided (see below).

>> My initial target is FTP and HTTP
>> support.
>> See:
>> https://github.com/jcd/phobos/blob/curl/etc/curl.d
>> This does have some overlap with your proposal but that doesn't have
>> to be a bad thing.
>> If this proposal gets accepted you have the libcurl bindings already
>> as a kickstart.
>> Some other options are to extend the client classes that I'm doing. Or
>> to implement the network server classes.
> RFC compilant HTTP-server is very hard to implement, so one solution
> might be to implement different protocol clients (SMTP, ...) so our work
> will not overlap.

Actually I believe that a RFC compliant HTTP-server implementation with 
only mandatory features is not that hard to do. That would provide a 
good starting point for future improvements.

But my initial thoughts on server classes was not HTTP specific though. 
It was more like a general server network framework. This framework 
could in turn be used to create a HTTP server if somebody wanted that.

>> /Jonas

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