__traits so long and ugly, what about ::?
Ary Manzana
ary at esperanto.org.ar
Wed Mar 30 12:40:42 PDT 2011
On 3/30/11 4:32 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:
> You are not the only one to find __traits ugly – although not directly
> related to your question, it has been proposed several times to ditch
> is(typeof()) and __traits and replace them with a magic »meta«
> namespace. There is even a bug report about it:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3702
> David
David, thanks for the answer. I am aware of that proposal, but I don't
like it because it's not very readble. You have to read "meta
isArithmetic int", kind of like how yoda speaks, but in the other case,
"int::isArithmetic" is much more natural and shorter and nicer.
I'm just suggesting a syntax for accessing compile-time things. It seems
:: is unused...
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