D grammar overhaul

Trass3r un at known.com
Thu Mar 31 02:32:22 PDT 2011

Rainer Schuetze Wrote:
> How can I contribute patches? I guess this would be with pull 
> requests, so I'll need a github repository, too? The discussion page for 
> pull requests looks like a nice feature...

Yep, you fork the original repo and apply your changes. Once you think you're somewhat done you can open a pull request.
I think you can even comment on single lines in commits.

The advantage of this approach is that your changes don't appear as a single huge diff but as atomic changesets (as long as the author groups changes that belong together in single commits)

> As a starter, here are some syntactic problems in the ddoc sources that 
> cause the generation of grammar.txt to fail:
> - in template.dd, $(GNAME Constraint) is not enclosed by $(GRAMMAR)
> - in attribute.dd, $(GRAMMAR $(B const)), $(GRAMMAR $(B override)), etc 
> are used for formatting without having to do with the grammar. The boxes 
> they generate don't make much sense anyway, so they can just be removed.
> - MulExpression is only in $(V1), so it does not show for D2
> I've attached the patch for these

Nice, I already incorporated some of your changes from the wiki. Will push soon so you can have a look what's already done.

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