Overloading function with a generic function fails

Abid H. Mujtaba abid.naqvi83 at gmail.com
Thu May 12 10:01:05 PDT 2011

This is another example from "The D Programming Language" by Andrei Alexandrescu. Compiling the following:

// Code in test.d:

void transmogrify( uint x ) {}
void transmogrify( long x ) {}
void transmogirfy(T)( T x ) {}

unittest {

  transmogrify( 42 ) ;

fails with the following error (when compiled with 'rdmd --main -unittest test.d' :

test.d(3): Error: template test.transmogrify(T) conflicts with function test.transmogrify at test.d(1)

As I understood it the D compiler is capable of setting up a partial ordering of functions and choosing one of the three overloaded functions based upon how it was called.

Note: The example above works if I remove the generic function that is overloading works for explicit types but not for generic types.

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