Builtin regex (Was: How to complex switch?)

Ary Manzana ary at esperanto.org.ar
Fri May 13 05:59:29 PDT 2011

On 5/13/11 12:10 PM, KennyTM~ wrote:
> On May 13, 11 12:14, Ary Manzana wrote:
>> On 5/12/11 6:42 PM, KennyTM~ wrote:
>>> On May 12, 11 19:13, Matthew Ong wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Anyway to include this cool feature of switch with D in the near
>>>> future?
>>> Why the obsession with 'switch'? 'if' works fine.
>>>> switch(str){
>>>> // regexp
>>>> case "abc", "def", "as+b?": s1(); break;
>>>> case "za+", "wd?", "aaa": s2(); break;
>>>> default: s3();
>>>> }
>>> Regex isn't even a built-in feature, why would a 'switch' should support
>>> it.
>> How about making regex a built-in feature with this syntax: /regex/ ?
>> I didn't use regex a lot before I started using Ruby. The thing is, in
>> Ruby it's so easy to use regex that I just started using them a lot more
>> than before. Of course, ruby has built-in operators for matching regexs,
>> so maybe that should also be added to the language (it's the =~
>> operator, but in D it should be a different one.)
> IIRC it was once there, but very soon removed in the 0.x era (can't find
> that changelog). You can't distinguish between division and regex
> literal in the parser with this syntax.

Ruby can do it. I'm a happier programmer this way. If you don't support 
it in the language the compiler is happy and the user is sad. :-( But 
the user is more important than the compiler...

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