Flagshit concurrency

Nick_B nick.NOSPAMbarbalich at gmail.com
Mon May 16 01:31:30 PDT 2011

On 16/05/2011 5:49 a.m., Robert Clipsham wrote:
> On 15/05/2011 10:08, Gilbert Dawson wrote:
>> Hello
>> I'm new to D.
> Welcome :)
>> I've been studying new languages for new concurrency
>> ideas. I'd like to implement a small and lightweight Lighttpd
>> replacement and replace the scripting with MiniD. One has heard in
>> many places that D supports a new idea of "flagship message passing".
> You've hit your first roadblock here - MiniD is written in D1/Tango, the
> concurrency model you speak of is D2 only (not that it couldn't be
> implemented in D1).

if you want to learn d1 & tango I suggest that you get the book:


and the community can be found here:


Tango is in the process of being ported to D2.


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