DustMite, a D test case minimization tool

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at thecybershadow.net
Sun May 22 19:31:51 PDT 2011

On Mon, 23 May 2011 05:21:04 +0300, Robert Jacques <sandford at jhu.edu>  

> Appender doesn't validate UTF when the character widths are the same.

Yes it does. That's what I've been trying to explain this entire subthread.

import std.array;

void main()
	string invalid = "\xAA\xBB\xCC\xDD\xEE\xFF";
	string str; str ~= invalid; // OK

	auto app = appender!string(); app.put(str); // throws

Best regards,
  Vladimir                            mailto:vladimir at thecybershadow.net

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