Could new keyword help function hijacking and prevented aliasing all over the place??

Matthew Ong ongbp at
Fri May 27 04:42:17 PDT 2011

On 5/27/2011 7:08 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Fri, 27 May 2011 02:34:34 -0400, Matthew Ong <ongbp at> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Currently within D, to make use of a parent class method you have to do:
>> class Parent{
>> void methodA(int x){...}
>> }
>> class Child : Parent{
>> // I understand that it has to do with preventing accidental hijacking
>> alias Parent.methodA methodA;
>> void methodA(long x){...}
>> }
>> void main(string[]){
>> Child obj=new Child();
>> obj.methodA(1); // expecting to call Child.methodA but calling
>> Parent.methodA;
>> }
>> and also from this URL.
>> If, through implicit conversions to the base class, those other
>> functions do get called, an std.HiddenFuncError exception is raised.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> That is to prevent silently changing the program's behavior.
>> could happily be a call to today. Imagine one of the base
>> classes changed and now there is Then our would
>> silently start calling that new function. That would cause a tough bug.
>> Ali // a Better explanation than the document for the current syntax.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> However, there is a foreseeable problem coming when a program grow.
>> How about when the inheritance tree becomes deeper than 4? And more
>> and more overloaded functions are in different classes? That does not
>> meant the calling class/method has a sense if it is calling from Child
>> or Parent. Because, those 2 classes source code might not be available
>> for coder. How does the coder knows about that?
>> Does it mean we have to do more alias at child class at the bottom?
>> Harder to issues solve in the child class at the bottom of the tree.
>> It seem to me that the entire purpose is just to protect auto
>> promotion matching method signature in the base to avoid function
>> hijacking.
>> How about doing this another way? Just a suggestion if you like to
>> avoid parent function from accidental hijack but still needs to be
>> public. New keywords are needed: nooverload and inheritall
>> class Parent{
>> nooverload void methodA(int x){...} // entirely deny this name to be
>> overloaded.
>> }
>> // this would have avoided the aliasing all over child class and still
>> allow child class to see any >public< method of the parent.
>> class Child: inheritall Parent{ // auto inheriting all parent methods
>> except private ones. As per usual also for package/protected...
>> void methodA(long x){...} // compilation error. because nooverload is
>> used at Parent
>> void methodA(string x){...} // compilation error. because nooverload
>> ... etc
>> void methodB(){
>> methodA(123); // No error now, and the entire hijacking is avoided.
>> }
>> }
>> void main(string[] args){
>> Child obj=new Child();
>> obj.methodB(); // no problem
>> obj.methodA(123); // no accidental hijacking...Always use parent class.
>> }
>> Reverse sequence as Ali has shown can also be avoided because if
>> someone does that by adding 'new' methodA in parent where child
>> already has methodA overloaded already without knowledge. Show up in
>> compilation exception for such cases with -w flag on.
>> How about that? Possible solution?
> I don't think it will work that well. Consider how function hijacking
> happens. For instance, the parent class author may not even know his
> code is being overridden, and he may simply not mark his base function
> as nooverload. Let's say that the child is inheriting all the parent's
> methods because he wanted a different method (an already existing one),
> and the author of the parent class adds methodA (without the nooverload
> attribute) after the child is already written. That's an unintentional
> hijack. The problem is the child is relying on the parent to cooperate
> in preventing hijacking, instead of controlling whether its functions
> can be hijacked or not.
> In the current solution, the system warns me or throws an error if a
> function becomes hijacked. If this happens, I can examine the code and
> add an alias if needed. It happens rarely for me. Do you have cases
> where you have to "alias all over the place"? Maybe you are not doing
> something correctly, you shouldn't need this feature all the time.
> Note that drastic proposals like this are very unlikely to be accepted.
> Especially for something that has been in use and not really complained
> about for years. You need to present a very compelling argument,
> including real examples is helpful. Also, if there's any way to get rid
> of adding a keyword, you have a much better shot of success. No keywords
> have been added to the language for a long time.
> -Steve

Hi Steve,

Please note that the proposal is not to remove the existing function 
hijacking detection but as an alternative to the existing aliasing.

 >Consider how function hijacking happens. For instance, the parent 
 >class author may not even know his code is being overridden, and he 
 >may simply not mark his base function as nooverload.
 From OO stand point, overloading is NOT overriding.
Please do not mix up the two. Fundamentally different.

 >parent class adds methodA (without the nooverload attribute)
If that happens, still flag as function hijacking using existing 
detection. Please note that I did NOT ask for the removal of using
aliasing on existing source code for inherited overloaded function.

BTW, default D documentation is Not too friendly for inheritance tree 
navigation. Unlike in java.

However, new keywords can be added to the compiler. So that future code
can be written without spending many brain cycle on looking up such 
alias. Let the compiler do the hard work of AST searching rather than
a manual process. We have quad core now a days, even in asia.

Have you systemetic go over the proposal I posted and gave your counter 
arguement? How about the fact that currently there are such aliasing all 
over the child class. From what I understand D inheritance is Not 
automatic, if I am wrong do let me know.

Do you have cases where you have to "alias all over the place"?

 >Maybe you are not doing something correctly, you shouldn't need this 
feature all the time.
Not me, others that has coded the dwt and I suspect other code in 
dsource where they tries to mimic Java Library and perhaps C# also.

 >instead of controlling whether its functions can be hijacked or not.
Why NOT? If a problem can be prevented easily as an modifier keyword.
Hijacking is not a feature, it is a problem correct???

 >No keywords have been added to the language for a long time.
Perhaps there is no-one that seen different from angle?

Most source code development process needs to look at at least 7 
different dimensions. Inheritance down the tree, up the tree, interfaces 
and its implementation, changes over time, testing, cpu cycle, memory 
creation cycle. That is just single threaded model.

That is a tasks burdensome enough for most person.

Matthew Ong
email: ongbp at

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