Example within documentations of D seriously need some improvement.

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Fri May 27 12:02:16 PDT 2011

Matthew Ong Wrote:

> Perhaps format like coffee using more interesting side by side 
> comparison and with more writefln/writeln rather than assert.
> Assert does not show anything visually.

I understand this position and that new programers of D find it odd that examples don't have any output. However I have taking a liking to using assert as it documents what is expected and there is no need for a comment. On top of that it gets people familiar with assert and potentially using it in their own code and the icing is that unittests are built in the same manner (you should expect no output when everything is OK).

In fact I have an introduction to programming book which uses just assert for most of the examples so far.


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