Another Log implementation

Vincent thornik at
Sat May 28 08:08:58 PDT 2011

Hello, guys!
I see a lot of discussions about std.Log implementation, that I couldn't  
pass along. I use logs a long time, but some ideas of opponents looks to  
me obscure.
Of course, different commands have different requirements, but I think  
that such DUMB AND SIMPLE task as logging should not transform to 'one  
fits all' dump of monster classes.
Logging must conform most commonly used usages, all other 'features' is  
the pain of 'offbeat' developers. Also my 'fresh look' at 'verbosity':  
this is obsolete point of programmers from 70-th. Modern development has  
no time for 'verbosity' like this:

log(Verbosity1, "var i greater than zero")
log(Verbosity2, "var i is "~ to!string(i))

My second point is that libraries must benefit from used language, what  
leads to the third point: logging from other languages(libraries) must be  
used only as an 'idea source', since their logging based on capabilities  
of _their_ languages.

In this light I made this draft for logging, may be it'll cold/delight  
people with its simplicity.
Let's start from usage:
version(logging) { // we benefit from D (conditional compilation)
     // Different 'severity' emulated with different log objects
     auto logWrn = new Log(new FileLogEngine(`c:\res.txt`), new  
DBLogEngine(`server=.;database=ABC`));// log can be done to many  
     auto logErr = new Log();// by default log outputs to the screen.
     auto logCrash = new Log(new EmailLogEngine(``);// log  
output is not only a file!
try {
    // some action
} catch (LightException lex) {
     version(logging)    logWrn(`Problem!`); // simple usage. Non-critical  
messages going to its own log.
} catch (Exception ex) {
     version(logging)    logCrash(`Something serious happen! %s`, ex);//  
logging with formatting. No necessaries for 'severity' - critical stuff  
gone to critical log only.

version(logging) {  writeln(`Log disabled`); logDbg.IsEnabled = false; }
version(logging)	logDbg(`Disabled message`);// logging is disabled at  

Like it? Here is the code!
Note on recordTemplate field - customization for log records, which allow  
even XML.

Since it's 'one hour draft', be lenient in details - my goal is to show  
conception, but of course I'm happy to discuss any improvements!


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