Another Log implementation

Jose Armando Garcia jsancio at
Mon May 30 09:22:33 PDT 2011

2011/5/30 Vincent <thornik at>:
> On Mon, 30 May 2011 02:58:00 +0200, Jose Armando Garcia <jsancio at>
> wrote:
>> Why is verbosity not useful?
> Probably, because it's too expensive? :)
>> You just remember that the developer that wrote the IO layer was nice
>> enough to log all IO inputs at verbosity level 3.
> OK, but saying this you assume we also have level 1 and 2! Can you give an
> example how your code will look with ALL these levels implemented?
> I fear on 3 LOC you'll have 10 lines just to provide 'verbosity' logic. This
> is why it's expensive.
> Problem is not only in digits - HOW you'll decide how many levels to have
> and what to show on every level? Don't you scared for your head if it's 1M
> LOC app? :)
> I can say more: looking at program trace I more interested not in 'give me
> more details', but 'give me details on this object'. In your case
> it's IO object - turning ON verbosity, you do it for ALL logging, while you
> need just an IO module. What you say on this? :)
> In this case I prefer snippets like this:
> // some IO logic
> version(log_io) logDbg(`SENT: ` ~ line);
> It allows to see only what you need and I don't give a damn if it's longer
> for two words.
> Jose, just take it right: long term log libraries are OK
> _for_people_who_use_it_. But I see no any reason to copy again and again
> old-time solutions - features are not only accumulated, but outdated too
> (this is why you are with D, not C :) ). So I want 'clean up' old stuff and
> implement just really necessary capabilities (Which Andrei named as "simple
> streaming" :) ). Before you(we) implement something, don't think "Oh, we
> have verbosity and we can use it like this!" - start from GOAL: "We have
> this task, how it can be implemented?" - sure, from this point you never
> even think about 'verbosities' (depends from mind, OK).
> Well, since people are conservative, I don't expect too much attention, but
> anyway thanks you read my ideas - hope it help.

Your solution (using version(log_io)) doesn't solve the problem/use
case I presented. I recommend you study the domain before suggesting

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