Spurious compiler warning ?
Denis Shelomovskij
verylonglogin.reg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 04:49:34 PDT 2011
03.11.2011 11:29, kenji hara пишет:
> EnumMember returns tuple, it is compile-time sequence.
> And foreach with tuple unrolls its body. Then, Loop A is unrolled like follows.
> __foreachEntry0: {
> if ( TestEnum.ONE == TestEnum.TWO )
> goto __foreachEntry1;
> writeln( "A: ", TestEnum.ONE );
> }
> __foreachEntry1: {
> if ( TestEnum.TWO == TestEnum.TWO )
> goto __foreachEntry2;
> writeln( "A: ", TestEnum.TWO ); // LineX
> }
> __foreachEntry2: {
> if ( TestEnum.THREE == TestEnum.TWO )
> goto __foreachEntry3;
> writeln( "A: ", TestEnum.THREE );
> }
> __foreachEntry3: {
> if ( TestEnum.FOUR == TestEnum.TWO )
> goto __foreachEntry4;
> writeln( "A: ", TestEnum.FOUR );
> }
> __foreachEntry4:
> ;
> And, when member == TestEnum.TWO, the LineX is not reachable.
> With loop B, unrolling is similar, but dmd does not warn the
> unreachable else block.
> Because dmd treats it as that is stated by programmers as "may become
> unreachable branch".
> (This is reasonable assumption, sometimes the condition of if
> statement folded to constant.)
> With loop C, list is "tuple of local variable symbols", it is similar
> to follows.
> auto __list0 = TestEnum.ONE;
> auto __list1 = TestEnum.TWO;
> auto __list2 = TestEnum.THREE;
> auto __list3 = TestEnum.FOUR;
> alias TypeTuple!(list0, list1, list2, list3) list;
> list itself is compile time tuple, but its elements are evaluated at
> runtime. Loop C is unrolled like A and B, but the conditions are
> evaluated at runtime, then compiler does not warn the branches as
> unreachable.
> Kenji Hara
Wow... Indeed. Excellent answer. Just like an article from
documentation. Thanks, it's usable for me too.
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