Introspection/Reflection/etc on Linux

J Arrizza cppgent0 at
Thu Nov 3 23:29:17 PDT 2011

And here's a working example:

import std.stdio;
import variant;
import std.string;
import std.conv;

class Base
    private int y;  //check if a variable causes any problems

    //run all member functions that start with "in"
    public void RunAllIn(alias T) ()
      writeln("RunAllIn: ", typeid(T));
      Variant var = this;
      foreach (i, m; __traits(derivedMembers, T))
        if (!startsWith(m, "in"))

        writeln("== i=", i, "  m=", m);

class Bob : Base
    private int x;  //check if a variable causes any problems
    //private int inx;  //causes an exception


    public void inBob1()
        writeln("   in bob : inBob1()");

    public void inBob2()
        writeln("   in bob : inBob2()");

class Jane: Base

    public void inJane1()
        writeln("   in jane : inJane1()");

    public void inJane2()
        writeln("   in jane : inJane2()");

void main(string[] args)
    new Bob();
    new Jane();

The output is:

$ rm -f dtest; dmd   dtest.d variant.d  -ofdtest; ./dtest
RunAllIn: dtest.Bob
== i=2  m=inBob1
   in bob : inBob1()
== i=3  m=inBob2
   in bob : inBob2()
RunAllIn: dtest.Jane
== i=1  m=inJane1
   in jane : inJane1()
== i=2  m=inJane2
   in jane : inJane2()

Perfect, thanks Robert! Works like a charm.
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