Spurious compiler warning ?

Mehrdad wfunction at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 6 12:15:30 PST 2011

On 11/3/2011 1:15 AM, Don wrote:
> On 03.11.2011 08:47, knommad wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a relative newcomer to D, and am enjoying the experience.
>> I have a small testcase here that causes what seems to be a spurious 
>> warning
>> from the compiler (resulting code still works, however).
>> Am I missing something??
> It's an interesting situation that you've found. The foreach is a 
> static foreach, so it gets unrolled at compile time. In each unrolled 
> bit, 'member' is a compile-time constant, so the if statement becomes 
> either true or false. The code is in fact unreachable in that iteration.
> So the warning is correct, but arguably not helpful.
> Maybe we should suppress unreachable code warnings inside unrolled code.
Isn't this what static if is for?

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