How about a 100% CTFE?
Gor Gyolchanyan
gor.f.gyolchanyan at
Mon Nov 7 06:30:31 PST 2011
> now what is the value of a ? At run time ? At compile ime ? If some other CTFE uses a ? If a CTFE from another module uses a or worse, update it ?
Run-time: Whatever _a_ ends up with by the time CTFE is done. There's
a very handy _COUNTER_ macro in Visual C++ compiler, that uses this
very feature internally.
Compile-time: The same, that it would have if run in run-time:
sequentially updated after the compile-time value (naturally).
> What the hell this program is supposed to print at run time ?
Assuming that somefunction was never called, this would print -1.
That's because _a_ has a resulting compile-time value if -1 due to
having decremented once by the someotherfunction() inside the static
if and b is being initialized by -1.
I don't see any problems in either of these cases.
The whole point of a mutable compile-time value is to have essentially
two values, one of which is computed at compile-time and the other,
which is statically initialized by the first one.
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 6:14 PM, deadalnix <deadalnix at> wrote:
> module a;
> int a = 0;
> int somefunction() {
> a++;
> return a;
> }
> static if(somefunction() == 1) {
> // Some code
> }
> now what is the value of a ? At run time ? At compile ime ? If some other CTFE uses a ? If a CTFE from another module uses a or worse, update it ?
> exemple :
> module b;
> import a;
> int someotherfunction() {
> a--;
> return a;
> }
> static if(someotherfunction() < 10) {
> // Some code
> import std.stdio;
> immutable int b = somefunction();
> static this() {
> writeln(b);
> }
> }
> What the hell this program is supposed to print at run time ?
> Le 07/11/2011 14:35, Gor Gyolchanyan a écrit :
>> Can you show an example of when CTFE modifies the state of the program
>> and when it's impossible to perform at run-time, provided, that it's a
>> separate compiler-aware run-time.
>>> CTFE must be limited to functions with no side effect, or with side effect that are known and manageable.
>> Why? There are tons of applications for CTFE other, then initializing variables.
>> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:25 PM, deadalnix<deadalnix at> wrote:
>>> This doesn't make any sens.
>>> Function can modify the state of the program in a non repeatable way, thus
>>> compile time function execution isn't possible for thoses.
>>> CTFE must be limited to functions with no side effect, or with side effect
>>> that are known and manageable.
>>> Le 07/11/2011 14:13, Gor Gyolchanyan a écrit :
>>>> After reading
>>>> I had a thought:
>>>> Why not compile and run CTFE code in a separate executable, write it's
>>>> output into a file, read that file and include it's contents into the
>>>> object file being compiled?
>>>> This would cover 100% of D in CTFE, including external function calls
>>>> and classes;
>>>> String mixins would simply repeat the process of compiling and running
>>>> an extra temporary executable.
>>>> This would open up immense opportunities for such things as
>>>> library-based build systems and tons of unprecedented stuff, that I
>>>> can't imagine ATM.
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