Damn - again!

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Wed Nov 9 02:36:42 PST 2011

On Wednesday, November 09, 2011 05:25:55 Steve Teale wrote:
> I use the Pan newsreader. In the mornings when I'm looking at
> digitalmars.D I regularly make the mistake of editing the panel that
> displays the individual posts.
> I'll mark some of the older text and hit delete. At that point you are
> hosed. The article disappears, and there's no obvious way to get it back.
> Any recommendations for a different reader?

IPersonally, I sign up for the mailing list and use that instead of the 
newsgroup. That way, I can use my e-mail client to read everything, and the 
state is synced between machines (since I use IMAP).

- Jonathan M Davis

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