Version Identifiers for Platforms / Architectures not supported byDMD
kennytm at
Wed Nov 9 21:08:03 PST 2011
Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at> wrote:
> On Thursday, November 10, 2011 04:07:43 kennytm wrote:
>> Perhaps DMD should generate a warning if a version of platforms does not
>> have an else clause or that version's else clause's content is not another
>> version statement or a static assert.
> Well, that does get a bit fuzzy. For instance, rather than duplicating that
> else clause all over the place in std.file, only the first static if-else clause
> has the else with the static assert in it. All of the others just have the
> branches that work and don't have an else clause. If we were to require that
> there be an else like that, then std.file wouldn't compile. And while it
> wouldn't be all that bad to have to put an else on all of those static-ifs, it
> _would_ result in unnecessary code duplication.
> - Jonathan M Davis
I said version(Platform)s, not static if.
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