Linking Error (WS2_32.LIB)

Tobias M. tobias.m at
Thu Nov 10 15:12:49 PST 2011

Am 10.11.2011 23:44, schrieb mta`chrono:
> Hello Tobias,
> thanks for attaching your code. I think we're getting closer to the bug.
> What is class LanAddress : Address { } used for? I don't understand it's
> purpose. I've modified your code for the usage of TCP/IP. Note:
> SocketType.RAW is for geeks only ;-).
> Compile: dmd -m32 main.d ws2_32.lib
> Usage: main.exe
> - mta`chrono
Well, the documentation of std.socket is a bit confusing for me. The 
only way to represent an IP that i found was the abstract class Address.
And since you cant instantiate abstract classes, i had to extend and 
re-implement it.
But well, then ill continue with that.
Thanks for sovling my problem guys.

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