Website message overhaul
ddparnell at
Fri Nov 18 02:16:28 PST 2011
On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 17:38:49 +1100, Andrei Alexandrescu
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote:
>> On 11/17/2011 9:21 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> On 11/17/11 11:48 AM, Xinok wrote:
>> Why D? What is D's purpose? What does it excel at? Why would I want to
>> use it?
> Because it has modern convenience, multi-paradigm power, and native
> efficiency.
Still sounds like it was generated with a 'buzz-word' program.
"modern convenience"? As opposed to what - modern inconvenience,
old-fashioned convenience? Why not just say "convenient". DPL's syntax
helps you write code by supporting convenient constructs and styles.
"multi-paradigm power"? Let's face it, any product described using the
term "power" is immediately suspect. Even if it IS powerful. That's not
the point. If you want to emphasize the multi-paradigm aspect then just
say that. DPL supports multiple coding paradigms, such as OOP, Functional,
and Procedural.
"native efficiency"? What does that even mean?! If you are trying to say
that it can be fast, then just say that (of course it depends on the
implementation - I'm sure someone could create a slow D compiler and one
that generates slow object code if they wanted to). By the way, I'm sure
that by "efficient" you are not referring to memory usage - DPL has a
large memory footprint. DPL compilation is typically fast because of its
module concept that allows the compiler to efficiently process imported
files and multiple files in one pass, and can generate fast machine code
because the coder can express their intentions with precision, enabling
the compiler to avoid generic output and produce targeted output instead.
I'm no word-smith, but the front page of the D site ought to avoid
ambiguous and meaningless buzz. It needs to be straight talking and
Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
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