Phobos Wish List/Next in Review Queue?

Martin Nowak dawg at
Wed Nov 23 07:40:41 PST 2011

> Yeah, this is problematic.  In voting against my allocator proposal,  
> Andrei mentioned that he wanted the allocators to be well-tested in the  
> container API first.  This means either we have a circular dependency or  
> allocators and containers need to be co-developed.  Co-developing them  
> is problematic.  If one person does containers and another allocators,  
> the project might be overwhelmed by communication overhead.  If the same  
> person does both, then this is asking a pretty lot for a hobby project.
There was the idea of a std.experimental (or stdexp) package floating  
around some time ago.
If I remember correctly it was found to be a useful addition.
Why not adding the current allocator interface with say a GC-only  
implementation there
so that container development can start off and provide the necessary  


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