Phobos Wish List/Next in Review Queue?

Martin Nowak dawg at
Wed Nov 23 11:35:46 PST 2011

On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 18:20:35 +0100, Manu <turkeyman at> wrote:

> Oh wow, awesome! :)
> I'm always surprised by the state of the D libraries.. There's already  
> lots
> of awesome obscure things are in there, but also completely obvious major
> features blatantly missing :)
There are some real gems, e.g. findRoot.
> So how about a DCT? Image/video processing... Perhaps a simple adaptation
> of FFT?
Too many different DCTs, too many different needs I'd say.

> And it's not clear to me at all whether that class will work with fixed
> point data... That's extremely important for a class like this (but
> granted, not really in line with D's take on numeric precision).
> Almost all audio and video data is in fixed point. Int->float conversion  
> is
> very expensive on many platforms.
Too specialized. Given the obscurity of doing a fixed point FFT, the actual
implementation will be very tough, the log2N gain of calculating  
results is directly opposed to precision.

It would be interesting to offer vectorized 'Integral <-> Float'  

> On 23 November 2011 17:34, Martin Nowak <dawg at> wrote:
>> *Crypto *- +1 as mentioned above, blocked on streams...
>>> *Higher level maths/signal processing *- The linear algebra library
>>> mentioned in a previous post might be very useful, but also standard
>>> algorithms like fourier transforms. Library implementations of these  
>>> would
>> http://www.d-programming-****numeric.html#Fft<>
>> The performance is actually quite good. I'd only wish for a real to
>> half-spectrum specialization (probably in-place) performance wise.
>>  be amazing, potentially making use of hardware back ends where  
>> possible.

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