Open MPI with D

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Fri Nov 25 01:31:30 PST 2011

Taken with modifications from std.process.execv:

import core.stdc.stdlib;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

const(char)** argsToC(in string[] argv)
    auto _argv = cast(const(char)**)malloc((char*).sizeof * (1 + argv.length));
    toAStringz(argv, _argv);
    return _argv;

private void toAStringz(in string[] a, const(char)** az)
    foreach(string s; a)
        *az++ = toStringz(s);

    *az = null;

void main()
    string[] args = ["foo", "bla"];
    auto _argv = argsToC(args);
    assert(to!string(_argv[0]) == "foo");
    assert(to!string(_argv[1]) == "bla");

Take a look at the various execv/execvp in std.process, but be careful
since most of them use alloca to allocate on the stack.

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