boost crowd.

Maxim Fomin maxim at
Mon Nov 28 05:42:17 PST 2011

2011/11/28 Marco Leise <Marco.Leise at>:
> Am 28.11.2011, 11:02 Uhr, schrieb Jude <10equals2 at>:
>>> I tried to write a lib and a project, which used that lib
>>> separately, but came to conclusion that the best choice it to pull
>>> lib code to project one. And it is not a biggest problem, because
>>> dmd produces 700 kb executable for hello word program.
>> what..?
>> I don't know how you are managing to get 700kb for hello world...
>> mine clocks in a 283.7kb with dmd with no optmizations, and holy crap
>> 1.6MB for same file with gdmd.
>> WTF is going on there I wonder...?
> *drum roll*
> 148,2 kB (dmd 2.054, Linux)
> *tadaa*
> - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> import std.stdio;
> void main() {
>        writeln("Hello, world!");
> }
> - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

import std.stdio;

class dummy
	this() { writeln("ctor");}
	~this() { writeln("dtor"); }

void main()
	auto dm = new dummy();

dmd main.d -o
377,9 kb
It is not 700 as i told, but yesterday i upgraded to 2.056. But
definitely i saw that it produces 700 kb elf for a small program.
Anyway, is 400 kb for dummy program too much?

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