boost crowd.
so at
Mon Nov 28 08:34:47 PST 2011
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 18:21:03 +0200, Max Samukha <maxter at> wrote:
> Could you clarify what is the most important part?
As i tried in the above post, header files are specs, a contract between
library writer and the user.
A dll itself is not a spec, it is the implementation.
> If you want to use a library, you would need to read its docs anyway.
> The interface files won't be of much help (D's ones will, since dmd
> liberally pours implementations into them). If the docs are unavailable
> or outdated, you can always extract the declarations from the library:
> monop -a -r:lib.dll
> lib
> Version=
> Culture=neutral
> PublicKeyToken=null
> public class Lib {
> public Lib ();
> public static void hello ();
> }
> Creating separate interface files, taking trouble to push them around
> along with the library and then feeding them to the compiler are
> needlessly redundant steps. Or what am I missing?
Well if you think that is redundant, you should neither comment nor
document your code,
Because i think they are less important than what header files trying to
solve, they don't even give you any guaranties.
> The fact is that apps with tight real-time requirements cannot be
> developed in C# for obvious reasons, and compilation models are
> irrelevant to the fact.
They are mostly libraries so it is more than relevant.
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