wxC & wxD

Anders F Björklund afb at algonet.se
Tue Nov 29 00:34:27 PST 2011

Gour wrote:
>> Something more is needed, but what it would be and what it will look
>> like I don't know. Probably something more close to the new language.
> Some more organization and collective effort. DMD/Phobos looks OK now.

I'm sticking with the original business plan:
1. Move to github.com
2. ?
3. Profit!

>> Probably something more close to the new language.
> I bet it's too early for that. D community cannot even properly
> maintaint bindings, what to speak of native GUI lib.
> However, having, at least, one bindings with higher-level D-ish API
> would be very welcome.

I think the original plan was to build that on top of something.

So you have a straight porting of some general API, and then
another layer on top of that with a more highlevel approach ?

But using all those wrappers-on-wrappers do get a bit "oniony".

>> Or maybe it just doesn't have the same shine that it did, 5 years ago.
> What?

Using a new shiny language, tends to naturally fade after a while.


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