wxC & wxD

Gour gour at atmarama.net
Tue Nov 29 01:07:19 PST 2011

On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 09:54:40 +0100
Anders F Björklund <afb at algonet.se> wrote:

> It's been drifting for a year, I don't think there's any announcement.

Well, on 26th of August you wrote: "I am also stepping down as a
maintainer, including the pre-built GDC distribution
(gdcwin/gdcgnu/gdcmac) and the Code::Blocks support for D." and after
being questioned by Andrej: "Do you mean you're stepping down as the
maintainer of wxd, or just the GDC/CodeBlocks stuff?" your answer was:
"All three. Mostly wxD, but also the others - not using." and your firt
message cited above when all this wxD-thingie has started for me. :-)

> All I said was that I don't have the energy to start over with wx3/D2.

I understand you.

> The project should be fine for wxWidgets 2.8.12, maybe I just didn't
> emphasize that fact enough. It even "works" with 2.9.2 and DMD 2.054,
> although not using any of the newer features. That's not too shabby ?

Not at all, but considering wx-3.0 is the future, the project is stalled
at the moment.

> It's been 5 years.
> http://www.algonet.se/~afb/wx/wxWidgets-Minimal.html


I was not aware you took care so long for the project. Too bad I was not
around earlier since for me it does not make sense to start developing
wxD application now with 2.8.x.

So, I can only say: "Thank you" for pushing so long alone without proper
support of other members within D community.

Let's hope there will be more interest for GUI in D in the future if D
wants to sell itself on 'practicality' ("D is a multi-paradigm
programming language that combines a principled approach with a focus on


From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion 
bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, 
intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost 
one falls down again into the material pool.

http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810
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