wxC & wxD

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Tue Nov 29 06:28:56 PST 2011

On 2011-11-29 10:25, Marco Leise wrote:
> Your are practically merging two isolated worlds in your comparison:
> Java platform vs. the rest; [AWT, Swing, SWT] vs. [GTK+, QT, wxWidgets,
> ...]

But since DWT is a port of SWT (completely written in D) I think it's 
fair to compare SWT/DWT to gtk, qt and wxwidgets.

> It's probably comparable to the acceptance of D in a forum for embedded
> developers.
> I'm just thinking, that whatever toolkit has the fewest dependencies
> while offering the most used widgets has the best chances to make it
> into Phobos one day - if that is still desired.

As far as I know DWT is the only toolkit that does not require any 
external dependencies (except the functions provided by the OS).

/Jacob Carlborg

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