Yet another "compile-time reflection revisited" proposal
Timon Gehr
timon.gehr at
Tue Nov 29 13:46:37 PST 2011
On 11/29/2011 09:11 PM, RivenTheMage wrote:
> *1) Replace all symbol-related traits with ".metainfo" property*
> __traits(isAbstractClass, A) ==> A.metainfo.isAbstractClass
> __traits(A.func, isVirtualFunction) ==>
> by name: A.metainfo.members["func"].isVirtualFunction
> by index: A.metainfo.members[N].isVirtualFunction
> __traits(hasMember, A, "func") ==> A.metainfo.members.find("func")
> Aliasing should be posssible:
> ---
> alias A.metainfo.members mymeta;
> mymeta.find("func");
> ---
> *2) Replace rest of traits with "meta" keyword*
> __traits(compiles, ...) ==> meta.compiles(...)
> *4) Add special extendable namespace, accesible through "meta" keyword*
> The namespace can be extented by special file "meta.d" which should be a part
> of D runtime. Actually, it's the same thing as std.traits, the intention is
> to put all reflection stuff under one roof.
> instead of:
> ---
> import std.traits;
> int foo();
> ReturnType!(foo) x;
> ---
> it would be:
> ---
> int foo();
> meta.ReturnType!(foo) x;
> ---
> *6) Replace identificator-related "is" expressions with ".metainfo" property*
> is(Identifier ...) ==> Identifier.metainfo.isXXX(...)
> *7) Replace rest of "is" expressions with ""*
> is(...) ==> meta.isXXX(...)
> *5) Replace "typeid" keyword with ".typeinfo" property*
> typeid(int) ==> int.typeinfo
> typeid(typeof(x)) ==> typeof(x).typeinfo
> typeid(i++) ==> (i++).typeinfo
> Thoughts?
Yes, __traits should be replaced by a cleaner design eventually.
'is'-expressions, typeid and std.traits are perfectly fine as they are
now and I don't see any reason to make their syntax more complicated.
instead of adding .metainfo we could also just add a bunch of enum
members to the typeinfo obtained by typeid. (that would bundle static
reflection and rtti). eg. typeid(A).isAbstractClass
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