Java > Scala
Marco Leise
Marco.Leise at
Wed Nov 30 02:22:22 PST 2011
Am 30.11.2011, 08:21 Uhr, schrieb Paulo Pinto <pjmlp at>:
> Quite an interesting read, but I cannot stop to think than again is one
> of the typical "blame the tool" thing.
> In my line of business we only allow employees with proper university
> background to enter the company, and even so, we get developers which I
> keep asking if they learned anything at all while at the university.
> Even for them Java is a very complex language. I already spent quite
> some hours explaining programming concepts that made me think if I was
> explaining programming to children. But then again, I don't have any
> control about the hiring process in these companies.
> --
> Paulo
There are schools that teach programming from the practical point of view
as opposed to the theoretical university background. While you have to set
a higher bar in regards to the grades there, those people may know Java or
C# and tools better as well as being taught team work and presentations by
example projects. Since the school would be in close contact to actual
companies they know best, what a typical programmer needs to learn in 2-3
years to some work done in a company.
The trade-off is the lack of academical background. They may not have
heard much about the big-O notation and other CS terms or how algorithms
other than bubble-sort and quick-sort work.
But more often than not, an employer just wants someone they can give a
workspace with Eclipse or VisualStudio and let them do some small task on
an existing code base right away. (my experience)
I also had my time explaining objects to a trainee. But it was a relief
for me when she started to understand what a pointer is and how two of
them can refer to the same object.
> Am 30.11.2011 02:34, schrieb bearophile:
>> A recently written report from a firm that has switched back from Scala
>> to Java:
>> Some people say that programmers often show a religious-like attachment
>> to their preferred languages, but I suspect that often the truth is
>> just that new languages are not good enough for practical work. Even
>> languages like Scala that seem very carefully designed by geniuses, a
>> language that is also easily integrated with Java code, that is one of
>> the most successful and used languages of the world, risk to be a
>> failure for a good number of people. Designing a good enough new
>> language is hard, maybe 99% of the newly designed languages fail, and
>> creating a language that is also usable in daily work is much harder.
>> Regarding D2, I think in the last year it is coming out of a phase of
>> its development: I no longer find a new compiler bug every time I write
>> 20 lines of D2 code. It happens still, but it's now an uncommon thing.
>> I don't have a wide experience about designing new languages, so it's
>> not easy to give good suggestions. But now I suggest to keep some focus
>> about removing important/basic design bugs/faults of D, like the recent
>> removal of covariance -related array problem. Example: D2 foreach is
>> currently broken in two different ways. On the other hand there are
>> examples of successful languages that contain several basic design
>> faults, like PHP and JavaScript. So I don't know.
>> ----------------
>> From that text:
>>> 5. Avoid closures. [...] At some point, we stopped seeing lambdas as
>>> free and started seeing them as syntactic sugar on top of anonymous
>>> classes and thus acquired the same distaste for them as we did
>>> anonymous classes.<
>> D2 closures are probably better, they aren't syntactic sugar on top of
>> anonymous classes. On the other hand invisible sources of low
>> performance are a bad thing in a language as D2. This is why I have
>> suggested to add a compiler switch that lists all the closures of a
>> module (or other related ideas about no heap activity tests or
>> enforcement).
>> Bye,
>> bearophile
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