Is D more cryptic than C++?
abe2007 at
Wed Nov 30 21:36:19 PST 2011
"Jonathan M Davis" <jmdavisProg at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1217.1322715788.24802.digitalmars-d at
> On Wednesday, November 30, 2011 22:32:51 Abrahm wrote:
>> "Jesse Phillips" <jessekphillips+d at> wrote in message
>> news:jb6qfv$1kut$1 at
>> > What bearophile was referring to was the use of templates is common.
>> Are you sure about that? What say you Bear?
>> > D's
>> > templates have the advantage of being easier on the eyes and more
>> > powerful (with the inclusion of 'static if' in the language).
>> Having "come from" C++land, and knowing what some people do with it,
>> making it EASIER to apply templates does not seem necessarily a good
>> thing to me. (Ref: template metaprogramming). That said, does your
>> statement above about D's template machinery being "powerful" etc.,
>> mean
>> "it's easier to do template metaprogramming in D"? If so, I,
>> personally,
>> do not find that any asset at all (though I know some surely will, for
>> there have been books written on that "abhorrence").
> Andrei Alexadrescu, the author of Modern C++ (_the_ book on template
> metaprogramming), is one of the leaders in the D community.
He used to be a C++ guy though. I know, because one of his books. He
couldn't handle C++, so he moved to D. Noted. ;)
> There is no
> question that D's templates are intended to be able to do powerful
> metaprogramming.
"powerful" is a weasel word or something similar.
> However, much of what would be truly disgusting in C++ is
> incredibly simple in D such that it isn't an abhorrence at all.
Ha! Optimizing bad practice does not good practice make.
> You don't have
> to constantly fight templates
I never have, and I use them.
> to be able to do anything fancy.
There ya go. You need "something fancy", I don't. You want all the knobs
and buttons on the front of the audio equipment, even a programming
language to make sense of it, while I would rather just listen to some
music. So, no need to try and sell me on "fancy". "Fancy" is a bad thing
if I am doing the critiquing (of a PL, not of a ... nevermind!).
> Instead, the
> resulting code is much more intuitive and maintainable.
So, the missing book is: "Deciphering Crap Code". Hmm?
> However, aside from template constraints, the primary use of templates
> in D
> (at least in the standard library) is generally related to simply
> making
> functions more generic, not trying to do excessively complicated stuff.
Noted: YOU noted that as AN ASIDE. Speaks volumes.
> Templates in D are absolutely fantastic in comparison to C++'s
> templates and
> are a _major_ boon IMHO.
Okie dokie then. We won't be engaging much, I can fortell already.
WRONG answer Dave.
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