Matrix-type-friendly syntax and more
kenji hara at
Mon Oct 10 02:40:19 PDT 2011
Posted pull request.
This patch does not break existing codes (at least dmd test suite and
phobos building).
I have not added stride syntax (e.g. a[0..$:2]), but I think that
adding it is not so difficult.
Kenji Hara
2011/10/10 kenji hara < at>:
> I got an idea for multidimentional indexing and slicing.
> I think opSlice!n (n is dimension integer typed size_t) is rarely
> used, therefore using that name for the enhancement is almost safe for
> backward compatibility.
> Kenji Hara
> 2011/10/10 Denis Shelomovskij <verylonglogin.reg at>:
>> 09.10.2011 21:29, bearophile пишет:
>>> Kenji Hara has just copied in GIT a large patch by Don:
>>> It allows user defined collections usable with this syntax:
>>> x[$-2, y[$-6, $-9], $-2]
>>> See:
>>> But a syntax like this too is quite important for a user-defined matrix
>>> type to be used in numerical code:
>>> m[i..j, k..w]
>>> Similar slicing and dicing of arrays is used all the time in NumPy (array
>>> library for Python) code.
>>> This is a comment by Don about it:
>>>> (4) I have NOT implemented $ inside opSlice(), opSliceAssign().
>>>> It could be done, but I believe those language features need work. They
>>>> don't
>>>> permit multi-dimensional slicing. I think they should be removed, and the
>>>> functionality folded into opIndex.
>>> Isn't it better to improve opSlice() instead of deprecating it?
>>> I don't remember if people appreciate the idea of a stride (like the third
>>> step argument of std.range.iota), this too is used in scientific
>>> array-oriented code:
>>> m[i..j:2, k..w:3]
>>> ---------------
>>> In Python code there is often the need for a good multi-dimensional array
>>> type, even in not-scientific code.
>>> In the Python standard library there is a array module, but it's almost a
>>> joke, it's 1D, and it's not used much:
>>> Python programmers use the multi-dimensional array of NumPy, it's widely
>>> used around the world, it's used by SciPy too (a scientific programming
>>> library).
>>> The experience of Python, with its sorely felt lack of a good
>>> multi-dimensional array type, the failure of its array module, and the
>>> success of NumPy, the problems caused by two precedent incompatible array
>>> libraries Numeric ( ) and
>>> numarray
>>> (,
>>> tells me that it will be good to have a bare-bones, but efficient
>>> multi-dimensional array type. Plus external libraries (not present in
>>> Phobos) that use those arrays to implement all the things they want.
>>> I think that's a good tradeoff between the opposed needs of:
>>> - Keeping Phobos of reasonable size (to not increase too much the burden
>>> of its management, to not slow down too much its development);
>>> - Avoiding the risk of incompatible multi-dimensional array types. Most
>>> code out there is able to build on a common foundation. This avoids
>>> duplication (like the creation of Python numarray and Numeric), allows a
>>> better focusing of efforts and speeds up the development of a language-wide
>>> standard for such arrays;
>>> - Offer a nD array type to the casual D programmer, even one that doesn't
>>> want or can't install other libraries. Even some 30-lines long D programs
>>> need multi-dimensional arrays, but they often don't need a complex
>>> scientific library too (example of a problem: in the preconditions of my
>>> functions that take an array of arrays I always have to test the input is
>>> not jagged and it is a rectangular matrix. Such test is not necessary for a
>>> multi-dimensional array that is never jagged). Putting the bare bones
>>> multi-dimensional array type in Phobos allows people to use them with zero
>>> other installs.
>>> This multi-dimensional Phobos array type doesn't even need to contain code
>>> to invert a matrix or compute determinant, etc. It just needs basic
>>> operations like allocation, indexing, multi-dimensional slicing, change of
>>> shape, iteration... Everything else is in modules/packages external to
>>> Phobos.
>>> I am not suggesting to put a sparse multi-dimensional array type in
>>> Phobos. This need is much less common in casual short programs. This is
>>> better left to external modules.
>>> Bye,
>>> bearophile
>> Suddenly, I had a talk with an Fortran guy at previous weekend and have
>> wrote something like Fortran arrays in D last week. I had an idea of adding
>> it into Phobos, but just had no time for review of my code. Draft version is
>> in attachment.
>> rarray.d - something like Fortran array
>> main.d - example of using rarray module
>> output.txt - main.d output
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