Just starting out

J Arrizza cppgent0 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 16:43:41 PDT 2011


I'm just starting out in D, read the book, tried a Hello World, and wrote a
few unit tests. I'm ready for the next step.

I'd like to begin writing some more complex D code which I want to use not
only as a test bed to investigate D itself to a deeper level but if it's
successful to eventually use it as the beginnings of a toolkit for our
internal use.

I'm looking for some recommendations from folks with lots of experience in

1) Which to use: Phobos, Tango, or Tangobos? It makes sense for us to use D2
so this seems to preclude Tango for now. Correct?

Are there plans to merge or standardize on one of these? Phobos and Tango
seem to be incompatible with each other at this point.

My worry here is if we choose the wrong underlying library we end up having
to re-write a lot of code later on.

2) Which compiler? DMD, GDC or something else?  We use Ubuntu 10.04, 64 bit
as our development platform. I'm assuming the gc is in all the D compilers.

3) DDT (eclipse plugin) seems relatively green. Any other suggestions for an
IDE. Not a big deal for us, but it's nice to have source formatting. The DDT
folks indicated that that feature is a long way off for them.

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