Catching a hot potato
Gor Gyolchanyan
gor.f.gyolchanyan at
Sat Oct 15 09:29:32 PDT 2011
Thanks! I never thought, you could give a DLL another address space.
I don't quite understand how it works yet, but i'll look into it.
On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Walter Bright
<newshound1 at> wrote:
> On 10/15/2011 3:29 AM, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
>> The other day i was re-reading the std.exception docs and stumbled
>> upon "It's ill-advised to catch anything, that is not Exception or
>> derived from it".
>> Can you show me examples when catching a Throwable is a good idea?
> When there's something your program needs to do in order to shut down
> gracefully (such as "engage the backup", or "try to save the user's data"),
> or if you want to generate a log message before stopping the program.
> Catching it can also be used to shut down a failing subsystem and restart
> it.
>> Also, i had some thoughts about catching AcessViolation exception in a
>> modular application to avoid my app crashing when a module crashes,
>> but i was told, that segfaults indicate a messed up memory and nothing
>> is guaranteed to work after a segfault.
> That's true, an access violation means you've got likely got memory
> corruption somewhere.
>> My question is, is it true, that segfault means THE END, and if so,
>> what's the point in allowing to catch it?
> Debuggers need to catch all seg faults from the debuggee. OS services need
> to catch page faults in order to implement demand paged virtual memory,
> stack faults in order to extend the stack segment, etc.
>> Also, how do i prevent DLLs from crashing my process like that?
> You'll need to figure out how to run your DLL in a separate address space,
> like a debugger would.
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