immutable range
kenji hara at
Sun Oct 16 04:37:03 PDT 2011
I got an idea.
import std.range;
template isImmutableInputRange(R)
enum bool isImmutableInputRange = is(typeof(
R r; // can define a range object
if (r.empty) {} // can test for empty
auto r2 = r.nextFront(); // can invoke nextFront()
auto h = r2.front; // can get the front of the range
template isImmutableForwardRange(R)
enum bool isImmutableForwardRange = isImmutableInputRange!R && is(typeof(
R r1;
R r2 =; // can call "save" against a range object
template isImmutableBidirectionalRange(R)
enum bool isImmutableBidirectionalRange = isImmutableForwardRange!R
&& is(typeof(R.init.back()) == typeof(R.init.front()))
&& is(typeof({ R r; auto r2 = r.nextBack(); }));
void immutableForeach(R, E)(R r, scope void delegate(E) dg)
if (isImmutableInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : E))
if (r.empty)
immutableForeach(r.nextFront(), dg); // tail recursion
void immutableForeachReverse(R, E)(R r, scope void delegate(E) dg)
if (isImmutableBidirectionalRange!R && is(ElementType!R : E))
if (r.empty)
immutableForeachReverse(r.nextBack(), dg); // tail recursion
const struct Range
int[] arr;
@property int front() const { return arr[0]; }
@property bool empty() const { return arr.length > 0; }
const(Range) nextFront() const { return Range(arr[1..$]); }
const(Range) save() const { return this; }
@property int back() const { return arr[$-1]; }
const(Range) nextBack() { return Range(arr[0..$-1]); }
static assert(isImmutableInputRange!Range);
static assert(isImmutableForwardRange!Range);
static assert(isImmutableBidirectionalRange!Range);
void main()
const r = Range([1,2,3]);
int i = 0;
immutableForeach(r, (int v)
assert(v == ++i);
int j = 3;
immutableForeachReverse(r, (int v)
assert(v == j--);
Kenji Hara
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