Compiler patch for runtime reflection

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Mon Oct 24 09:38:12 PDT 2011

On 2011-10-24 17:37, Robert Jacques wrote:
> I'm sorry if I've come across that way. I'm well aware with the reasons
> for wanting access to private methods/fields via reflection and have
> mentioned them in previous posts. What I've tried to point out is very
> eloquently stated by fig. 6.3 on page 204 of TDPL: allowing reflection
> to bypass protection guarantees essentially makes all declarations
> public in nature, if not extern. That's a very heavy price to pay, just
> from a program maintenance perspective. And if you consider someone
> writing medical or financial software, the privacy concerns of exposing
> private variable to all become very real.

If someone is using a library and starts to mess with calling private 
methods they shouldn't they'll most likely mess things up for them self.

> Back to my actual argument, what I was pointing out was that the
> toolboxes of various languages differ heavily. Just because Ruby has a
> very cool library which uses runtime reflection, one shouldn't simply
> state 'D must have runtime reflection.' One needs to first decompose
> what the library is trying to achieve from the language mechanisms used
> to implement it. Then you can ask yourself 1) Can I do that in D? 2) How
> does D's solution compare to Ruby's?

Of course. I'm just showing that another language/library uses it and 
therefore there could be a chance that should be doable in D as well.

> My impression of what ActiveRecord, (which my be wrong), is that its
> using runtime-reflection to do various meta-programming activities and
> that under-the-hood, it stretching Ruby to the breaking point in order
> to do so. D, on the other hand, has a ton of meta-programming specific
> features, and doesn't need to rely on reflection to do so. This is
> partly to do with Ruby supporting 'eval' and thus making no distinction
> between compile-time and run-time behavior; that's correct for Ruby, but
> D is a different kettle of fish.

I doubt that ActiveRecord is stretching Ruby to the breaking point. On 
the other hand it feels like I'm stretching D's metaprogramming 
capabilities in my serialization library. That's just because D doesn't 
have proper reflection.

In Ruby there is very seldom reason to use "eval". That's because of the 
excellent support for runtime reflection. There's no clumsy syntax, no 
hacks, no need to instantiate reflectors and similar. You just call a 
method like you would call any other method:

class Foo
     def bar

foo =

In the above code, "bar" is called first using regular method call 
syntax and then using reflection.

>>> I mean, considering that Ruby is a dynamic language, would bar even be
>>> considered private from inside the super-class's ctor? Is Ruby's private
>>> even comparable to D's private? Given that Ruby, by design, requires
>>> fields to be private and for all external accesses to happen via
>>> methods, should we consider a way to violate that contract an example of
>>> mis-feature?
>> There is no constructor involved here. "before_save" is class method
>> called when the class "Foo" is loaded.
> So it's the static ctor, then.

I guess you could call it that.

>> You can do basically whatever you want with the code in Ruby. You can
>> replace an existing method/class in the standard library with your own.
>> You can easily add methods to existing classes. It's the programmer that
>> is responsible to not mess up things, just as in D where you can cast
>> away immutable, shared and do unsafe things with pointers.
> Well one one hand, none of those things are allowed in SafeD (And you
> know, that's not a resounding argument for reflection of private
> members). On the other, you didn't answered my other two questions. In
> fact, the impression I'm getting is that Ruby's private isn't comparable
> to D's private.

If we talk about methods it's easiest. If you call a private method in 
Ruby using the regular method call syntax you get an error. If you do 
the same in D you get an error as well. The only difference is in Ruby 
it will be a runtime error and in D it will be a compile time error.

In Ruby you can bypass private using reflection with the "send" method. 
In D you can bypass private using a delegate.

In Ruby an instance variable is always private. I don't think you can 
declare a public instance variable, one uses setters/getters for that.
In D you can declare both private and public instance variables.

In Ruby you can get/set a value of an instance variable using 
reflection, instance_variable_set/get.
In D you can get/set a value of a private instance variable using 
compile time reflection, i.e. .tupleof.

Now, since we can call private methods and get/set private instance 
variables using the features we have now, why shouldn't we be able to do 
the same with runtime reflection?

BTW, I don't think it's a mis-feature.

/Jacob Carlborg

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