C compatibility module for phobos.

Gor Gyolchanyan gor.f.gyolchanyan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 01:01:14 PDT 2011

Hello, my dear, beloved D community.

I've been reading literally all discussions on D.puremagic.com for about a
month now and I'm deeply concerned with my favorite language and it's
reference compiler.

So, for starters, i decided to add a very useful (in my opinion) module to
phobos: etc.c.compat.

Here's the pull request:

This module is supposed to help people develop bindings for C libraries, by
providing information language-specific information, depending on certain
compiler, processor architecture, operating system, etc.

Currently there are only aliases for C built-in types, which are static
if-ed to have the correct size for the respective C compilers.

It's well-documented and waits to be enhanced with more accurate
compile-time branching and additional useful information to make binding C
code even easier.

If we get a good enough C compatibility module, we'll be able to rapidly
bind all major and frequently-used libraries and include them in phobos.

This will also do a great job of promoting D as a good language to adopt for
serious projects, because it's standard library will be very rich and common
usage won't require the programmer to resort to anything besides phobos.

Any comments would be much appreciated.
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