Dangling Else, Yet Again
deadalnix at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 02:35:28 PDT 2011
Le 23/09/2011 05:38, Andrei Alexandrescu a écrit :
> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/kooiy/dangling_else_yet_again/
> Andrei
This is a great idea. I'm used to use tools like checkstyle in java (or
some others depending on the language) that trigger an error if an if
statement without brace contain any conditionnal (if, for, while, . . .)
or as an else. It makes the code myuch more clearer and avoid stupid
mistake that sometime are hard to discover.
Including this at the parser level is a great idea. The D's solution is
softer than mine, but this is a good thing. At parser level, you should
only limit what is error prone, not ensure coding quality standards that
can vary from a devellopper to another.
Good job.
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