std.benchmark is in reviewable state

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at
Sun Sep 25 20:00:17 PDT 2011

On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 05:03:32 +0300, Adam D. Ruppe  
<destructionator at> wrote:

> bearophile wrote:
>> Is the micron symbol visible on Windows too?
> Yes, of course.
> It's a matter of fonts though - if you don't have the character
> in your font (regardless of operating system) it might not show.
> The micro sign is very common though, so unlikely to have
> any font without it.

Have you tried it? It's not a matter of installed fonts.

There are two problems with Unicode characters in console D programs:

1. The default code page on Windows is practically never UTF-8.

You could change the code page to UTF-8 using SetConsoleOutputCP, but  
weird things happen if you don't change it back before your program exits:  
if your program was called from a batch file, all batch files are  
instantly aborted.

2. The default font for the Windows console is not a Unicode font.

Best regards,
  Vladimir                            mailto:vladimir at

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