Possible way to achieve lazy loading with const objects
travert at phare.normalesup.org
Thu Sep 29 06:32:06 PDT 2011
"Steven Schveighoffer" , dans le message (digitalmars.D:145729), a
>> I was arguing that opEquals (and co.) should *not* be const. IMO it
>> would be a huge problem if they were.
> why? For what purpose do you need to change an object during comparison?
You may not need to change the object, but you may need to call a
non-const method. It has been argued against the opponent to transitive
const that they are not obliged to use const. Then opEqual should not
oblige them to use const. const is so viral in D that people not willing
to use const will have to change lines and lines of code to get opEqual
It is always possible for a non-const version of opEqual to forward to
the const version, so people willing to use a const version do not have
to define a non-const version.
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