Cod generation for different targets ( x386, x486 etc )

Timofei Bolshakoc tbolsh at
Wed Apr 11 13:53:55 PDT 2012

I will try my best to track it down and report.
First I will try 2.058 to see if problem persist.
Then - with -no-float.

On Tuesday, 10 April 2012 at 19:23:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 4/10/2012 9:05 AM, Timofei Bolshakoc wrote:
>> I am using D ver. 2 for more then a year - since version 
>> 2.051. My target
>> architecture is Linux on Vortex DX SoC - 
>> It is compatible with x586 architecture. Till version 2.057 
>> everything was OK,
>> but when I recompiled my working code with 2.057 VERY strange 
>> behaviour was
>> observed - I can't even describe it correctly. I think that 
>> something was broken
>> in floating point support. I returned to version 2.056.
>> So, the question is - can I generate code for different x86 
>> targets - x486,
>> x586, x686 etc using dmd. I like dmd and do not want to switch 
>> to gdc if it will
>> be possible to stay on dmd. I did not tried 2.058 yet - please 
>> tell me if I should.
> With the 64 bit support there was support added for the SIMD 
> instructions. But these shouldn't be generated for 32 bit 
> targets. So I don't know what is happening for you. Please 
> track it down so we can have a look!
> Also, you can use obj2asm to look at the assembler output of a 
> suspicious file.

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